March 13 - Lent 02

Doug Goodwin was the minister in small, rural and indigenous congregations in Manitoba and, for fifteen years, in a northern BC multi-point pastoral charge (Vanderhoof, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake). For almost twenty years he has worked in administrative positions with BC Conference (now Pacific Mountain Region), from 2003 to 2019 as the Conference Executive Secretary. Doug is now retired although working on a very part-time basis for the Region. He is a member of University Hill Congregation in Vancouver where he is able to preach from time to time.

This week features Rev. Hilde Seal and the theme: “Lamenting With Jesus.” The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 13:31-35.

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March 06 - Lent 01

Doug Goodwin was the minister in small, rural and indigenous congregations in Manitoba and, for fifteen years, in a northern BC multi-point pastoral charge (Vanderhoof, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake). For almost twenty years he has worked in administrative positions with BC Conference (now Pacific Mountain Region), from 2003 to 2019 as the Conference Executive Secretary. Doug is now retired although working on a very part-time basis for the Region. He is a member of University Hill Congregation in Vancouver where he is able to preach from time to time.

This week features Rev. Doug Goodwin and the theme: “God’s Quality Control Test” The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 4:1-13

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February 27 - Transfiguration Sunday

Rev. Karen Medland, lives in Edmonton and serves the United Church of Canada Office of Vacation for Regions 2, 4, and 5. Karen has extensive experience with the wider church, including Chair of Presbytery, Conference President, Co-Chair of Local Arrangements for General Council 40, 2009, and service on the Conference Internship Committee. She is an Educational Supervisor and recently completed her D.Min. on Preaching, focusing on becoming an intercultural church. Karen is excited to be supporting future leaders for the church.

This week features Rev. Karen Medland and the theme: “Jesus: God’s Law in a Nutshell” The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 9:28-43.

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February 20 - Epiphany 07

The Rev. Hilde J Seal is an animator of the Holy, one who walks among creation and is in touch with her inner-child.  Recently retired, Hilde has been a member of the United Church of Canada for all her life, serving with congregations in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.  As a Spiritual Director Hilde walks with persons of all ages and stages as they seek God in the ordinary and the chaos of life.  Her Practices include silence, walking in the forest, preaching and focused breathing.  She loves to drum, dance and spending time with family.

This week features Rev. Hilde Seal and the theme: “Reciprocity is not Kingdom Behaviour.” The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 6:27-38.

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February 13 - Epiphany 06

Michael Ward: Born and raised in Toronto, Michael attended the University of Toronto receiving both an Honours B.A. in Economics as well as a Master of Divinity degree. After serving a multi-point rural charge in Saskatchewan, he received a call to Central United Church in the inner-city of Calgary in 1980. He retired as Senior Minister there in 2015 after more than thirty-five years of service. Michael passionately believes in the role of the church in being a transformative presence in its community. He helped to found The Calgary Urban Project Society which currently ministers to thousands of homeless, needy people and families. As well, while at Central, the church became one of the founding churches of Inn From the Cold which provides shelter and services to the homeless. 

This week features Rev. Michael Ward and the theme: “Oh, We Like Trees.” The focus scripture for this service is: Psalm 1.

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February 06 - Epiphany 05

Rev. Maya Douglas serves St. James United Church, Etobicoke, ON. Prior to St. James, she served Queensville Holland Landing United Church and Bloor Street United Church. She is a two-time graduate with a Master of Religious Education (2008) and a Master of Divinity (2016), as well as an active alumni executive of Emmanuel College at Victoria University of the University of Toronto. Maya is a Montréal native of Taίno Indigenous & African-Jamaican ancestry who uses “she/her” and “they/them” pronouns. Her family is heavily involved in musical pursuits, from training in choirs and playing string instruments to cultural dancing. Maya is deeply interested in conscious parenting, spiritual embodiment, and dancing. She enjoys reading, watching movies and canoeing. Reflecting theologically on life’s events and issues are her passions.

This week features Rev. Maya Douglas “Inadequacy is Not a Sign of Sinfulness“ The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 5:1-11.

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January 30 - Epiphany 04

Graham Brownmiller was ordained in 2009 in the United Church of Canada; he has served at North Thompson Pastoral Charge (Barriere & Clearwater, BC) and Queens Avenue United Church (New Westminster, BC), he is currently serving Jubilee United Church, Burnaby, BC. Until 2018 Graham is the Order of Ministry representative from BC Conference to the Executive of the General Council, of the United Church of Canada. Graham loves community and one-on-one interactions. He greatly enjoys witnessing to people’s stories and exploring moments of grace through authentic relationships.

This week features Rev. Graham Brownmiller and the theme “Hometown Jesus.“ The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 4:21-30 & 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.

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January 23 - Epiphany 03

Brenda Watt is retired from ministry as a Designated Lay Minister after 22 years, serving in Vulcan, Calgary and Crossfield. Her MTS from St. Stephen’s College combined with her human resource background in recruitment, training and development, and organization development has equipped her with a diverse set of skills which has supported her in ministry, stewardship consulting and leadership. She is a trained facilitator for the Fresh Start Program and joined the Together We Worship team in July 2017. She is the Chaplain of the Crossfield Legion, enjoys performing and directing in community theatre, as well as singing and passably playing her baritone ukulele. She lives in Calgary and is very proud of her talented CPA son, Taylor who now lives in Seattle and who also sings and plays a really mean guitar!

This week features Brenda Watt and the theme “From Conditional to Unconditional.“ The focus scripture for this service is: Psalm 19.

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January 16 - Epiphany 02

Linda hails from Saskatchewan, the land of waving wheat. She was born in Regina but has called Calgary her home now for over forty years. Her husband, Gord, now retired, was also a minister in the United Church who more recently served the rural community of Rockyford. Together, they have raised two great kids, Dawn and Brendan who have added to the family circle by marrying Andrew and Heather. Linda and Gord are very proud of their four grandsons: Jordan, Nelson, Aemon and Nicky. The gospel has always engaged Linda and she is drawn to the hope and reconciliation that it offers. She also has a passion for social justice and the healing that is needed for the marginalized in our world.

This week features Rev. Linda Hunter and the theme “The Miracle of Unconditional Love.“ The focus scripture for this service is: John 2:1-11.

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January 09 - Epiphany 01

Nick Coates is the minister at Red Deer Lake United Church in Calgary. One of the things that brings Nick joy is exploring what it means to be human and alive in the world. That's what led him to do a Master of Arts in Theology and a Master of Divinity. When not at work, Nick enjoys being active at the gym, playing dodgeball, reading, writing, drinking too much coffee, listening to good music, cooking, and hanging out with friends. Nick is the co-host of the podcast: "Prayer and Private Parts: a podcast about Sex and Jesus."

This week features Rev. Nick Coates and the theme “A Pigeon Descends from the Heavens.“ The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 3:15-17 & 21-22.

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January 02 - Epiphany Sunday

Allan Buckingham is a lay member of the United Church of Canada living in Banff, Alberta. A passionate volunteer, Allan has sat as a member of the Executive of the General Council of the United Church of Canada, and the Executive Committee of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, among many other church committees. Also involved in their community, Allan is currently the Chair of the Banff Housing Corporation, a local not for profit. When not attending meetings, Allan is a Communications and Technology consultant focusing on how churches can use innovative techniques to share their message. Allan is also the founder of Together We Worship.

This week features Allan Buckingham and the theme “The Magi & the Oppressed“ The focus scripture for this service is: Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14.

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December 26 - Christmas 01

Rev. Aaron Miller is the Congregational Minster of University Hill Congregation, in Vancouver BC.  He began serving there July 2016.  Prior to that, he was the minister at Faith Centennial United Church, in Selkirk, ON, for nearly 7 years.  Aaron is a graduate of Emmanuel College, in Toronto.  He lives in Vancouver with his wife and two young sons.

This week features Rev. Aaron Miller and the theme “God Doesn’t Need Ideal Settings.” The focus scripture for this service is: Psalm 148.

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December 24 - Christmas Eve

Tracy was born in Calgary and raised on a farm in Balzac, AB. She is married to Todd and has two adult children. She has held various ministry positions in the United Church of Canada and is currently the Minister for Nurture, Education, and Outreach at St. Thomas United Church in NW Calgary. St. Thomas is an Affirming church that models Open Hands, Open Hearts, and Open Minds in everything they do. Tracy is passionate about living out Jesus’ teachings of radical inclusion and is very involved in Calgary’s Affirming Networks and is proud to walk the path to reconciliation with her Indigenous sisters and brothers. Tracy volunteers her time with at risk people involved in the criminal justice system.

This week features Rev. Tracy Robertson and the theme “Telling the Story Again & Again.” The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 1:26–38 & 1:46–56 & Matthew 1:18–25 & Luke 2:1–20 & Matthew 2:1-12.

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December 19 - Advent 04

Rev. Greg and his family live in the greater Victoria area, where Greg is planting a new church within the United Church tradition. Greg has bounced between western Canada and eastern Canada throughout his life and is happiest on the trails, in the canoe, or on skis. Greg's vocational passions include peace and justice: climate justice and indigenous rights; spending time with people at critical moments in life and finding meaningful ways--new and old--to express gratitude and to dream of heaven here on earth. Greg completed his Master of Divinity at Emmanuel College in Toronto in 2014. Prior to responding to his call to congregational ministry, Greg worked for an environmental non-profit and as an environmental engineer.

This week features Rev. Greg Powell and the theme “Loving Us as We Are.” The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 1:39-55.

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December 12 - Advent 03

The Rev. Hilde J Seal is an animator of the Holy, one who walks among creation and is in touch with her inner-child.  Recently retired, Hilde has been a member of the United Church of Canada for all her life, serving with congregations in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.  As a Spiritual Director Hilde walks with persons of all ages and stages as they seek God in the ordinary and the chaos of life.  Her Practices include silence, walking in the forest, preaching and focused breathing.  She loves to drum, dance and spend time with family.

This week features Rev. Hilde Seal and the theme “Let’s Not Miss the Mystery.” The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 3:7-18.

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December 05 - Advent 02

The Rev. Chelsea Masterman has served in team ministry at Grace United Church in Edmonton, Alberta since August 2018. The path to ministry wasn’t always clear cut for Chelsea, and she is grateful for the wilderness along the way. Some of the communities of faith that have shaped her include High River United Church, First United Church in Lethbridge, the Caribbean and North America Council for Mission, New Spirit Community Church in Berkeley, California, Hummingbird Ministries in BC’s Lower Mainland, Cole Harbour Woodside United Church in Nova Scotia, and her first call: Westminster United Church in Medicine Hat. Chelsea was ordained in 2014, and she has an MDiv from Vancouver School of Theology and a Certificate of Special Studies from Pacific School of Religion.

This week features Rev. Chelsea Masterman and the theme “Living in the In Between.” The focus scripture for this service is: Malachi 3:1-7.

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November 28 - Advent 01

Rev. Karen Medland, lives in Edmonton and serves the United Church of Canada Office of Vacation for Regions 2, 4, and 5. Karen has extensive experience with the wider church, including Chair of Presbytery, Conference President, Co-Chair of Local Arrangements for General Council 40, 2009, and service on the Conference Internship Committee. She is an Educational Supervisor and recently completed her D.Min. on Preaching, focusing on becoming an intercultural church. Karen is excited to be supporting future leaders for the church.

This week features Rev. Karen Medland and the theme “The Liminal Space of Advent” The focus scripture for this service is: Luke 21:25-36.

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November 21 - Reign of Christ Sunday

Rev. Adam Hall graduated with his M.Div. from St. Andrew's College in Saskatoon, SK and was ordained into the Ministry of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral care by Saskatchewan Conference (Living Skies Region) in 2010. Upon his ordination in July 2010, he was settled to Beaver Pastoral Charge (Tofield and Holden United Churches) in central Alberta. He has a passion for connecting scripture to everyday life, seeing the Holy in everyday moments and encouraging faithful growth in both personal and community-oriented ways. Currently he also serves The United Church of Canada as the chairperson of the Prairie Candidacy Board and enjoys the work of the Candidacy Board tremendously. In his down time, he enjoys fishing, NFL football, and spending as much time as possible with his family.

This week features Rev. Adam Hall and the theme “Jesus in Gold or Jesus in Dust?” The focus scripture for this service is: John 18:33-37.

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November 14 - Proper 28

Norm Seli was Ordained in 1992 and has followed God’s call into three different communities in Southern Ontario. Since 2005, he has been the Supervising Minister at Jubilee United Church in Toronto.  Norm delights in preaching, liturgy and supervising interns and students.  Currently a member of the General Council Executive and a member of the Indigenous Justice and Residential Schools Committee as well as a variety of Conference and Presbytery committees, he will retire from them all just in time to Chair the new Board of Vocation for the United Church of Canada.  In real life, Norm considers himself a husband, father, preacher, musician, supporter of justice and of the arts.

This week features Rev. Norm Seli and the theme “Does Prayer Work in Real Life?” The focus scripture for this service is: 1 Samuel 1:4-20.

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November 07 - Proper 27

Brenda Watt is retired from ministry as a Designated Lay Minister after 22 years, serving in Vulcan, Calgary and Crossfield. Her MTS from St. Stephen’s College combined with her human resource background in recruitment, training and development, and organization development has equipped her with a diverse set of skills which has supported her in ministry, stewardship consulting and leadership. She is a trained facilitator for the Fresh Start Program and joined the Together We Worship team in July 2017. She is the Chaplain of the Crossfield Legion, enjoys performing and directing in community theatre, as well as singing and passably playing her baritone ukulele. She lives in Calgary and is very proud of her talented CPA son, Taylor who now lives in Seattle and who also sings and plays a really mean guitar!

This week features Brenda Watt and the theme “Giving Isn’t About Money .” The focus scripture for this service is: Mark 12:38-44.

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