November 21 - Reign of Christ Sunday

Rev. Adam Hall graduated with his M.Div. from St. Andrew's College in Saskatoon, SK and was ordained into the Ministry of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral care by Saskatchewan Conference (Living Skies Region) in 2010. Upon his ordination in July 2010, he was settled to Beaver Pastoral Charge (Tofield and Holden United Churches) in central Alberta. He has a passion for connecting scripture to everyday life, seeing the Holy in everyday moments and encouraging faithful growth in both personal and community-oriented ways. Currently he also serves The United Church of Canada as the chairperson of the Prairie Candidacy Board and enjoys the work of the Candidacy Board tremendously. In his down time, he enjoys fishing, NFL football, and spending as much time as possible with his family.

This week features Rev. Adam Hall and the theme “Jesus in Gold or Jesus in Dust?” The focus scripture for this service is: John 18:33-37.

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