October 31 – Proper 26

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Leigh grew up in the United Church, spending summers at CGIT Camp Wohelo on Pigeon Lake and United Church's Naramata Centre.  After receiving her BA (Religious Studies and Anthropology) at University of Alberta, she completed her Master of Divinity (2005) and a Masters’ in Sacred Theology (2015, focusing on rural ministry and the theology of Providence) at St. Andrew's College in Saskatoon.   God's gifts of energy, and love for church, spiritual rituals, and theology, has called her to serve congregations passionate about maturing in the faith. Her love for the Gospel and stories (in any form: pages, voices, screens and stages) is fueled by coffee, quiet, conversation and walking.   Leigh has lived in the three prairie provinces and is currently serving at St. David's United Church in Leduc, AB.

This week features Rev. Leigh Sinclair and the theme “An Upside-down Celebration .” The focus scripture for this service is: Ruth 1:1-18.

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October 24 – Proper 25

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Doug Goodwin was the minister in small, rural and indigenous congregations in Manitoba and, for fifteen years, in a northern BC multi-point pastoral charge (Vanderhoof, Fort Fraser and Fraser Lake). For almost twenty years he has worked in administrative positions with BC Conference (now Pacific Mountain Region), from 2003 to 2019 as the Conference Executive Secretary. Doug is now retired although working on a very part-time basis for the Region. He is a member of University Hill Congregation in Vancouver where he is able to preach from time to time.

This week features Rev. Doug Goodwin and the theme “It Could Be That God Made a Bet with the Devil .” The focus scripture for this service is: Job 42:1-6

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October 17 – Proper 24

The Rev. Hilde J Seal is an animator of the Holy, one who walks among creation and is in touch with her inner-child.  Recently retired, Hilde has been a member of the United Church of Canada for all her life, serving with congregations in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.  As a Spiritual Director Hilde walks with persons of all ages and stages as they seek God in the ordinary and the chaos of life.  Her Practices include silence, walking in the forest, preaching and focused breathing.  She loves to drum, dance and spend time with family.

This week features Rev. Hilde Seal and the theme “It’s All About Love.” The focus scripture for this service is: Mark 10:35-45.

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October 10 – Proper 23

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Rev. Ming Yung Chuan, Ibi (as he prefers) began his journey with The United Church of Canada about five years ago.  He is an aboriginal from Bunun tribe in Taiwan.  He received his Bachelor of Arts in Christian education and a Master of Divinity from Yu-Shan Theological School in Taiwan. After arriving in British Columbia he completed a Master of Theology in Homiletics from Vancouver School of Theology in 2011 and is currently completing a doctoral degree with Carey Theological School at UBC.  He is passionate in theological conversation and the bridging between biblical text and the intercultural setting. A lifelong learner and seeker, he likes to share the spiritual life and Christian faith that is in the Bible.   Ibi has been supported in ministry by his beloved wife and children, his many friends and the United Church in Canada.  Ibi is committed to working with all ages to discover their Christian identity in the United Church and their own sense of ministry in the word. He is committed to working with affirming and is inclusive of faith-communities and is called to engage in conversation of how to be Church in our intercultural context.  Ibi was ordained in 2017.  He is serving at Cranbrook United Church in his new Ministry role.

This week features Rev. Ibi Chuan and the theme “Prosperity vs. Sacrifice” The focus scripture for this service is: Mark 10:17-31.

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October 03 – Proper 22

The Rev. Karen Bridges is the Minister of Congregation and Community Development at Robertson-Wesley United Church in Edmonton, Alberta. Karen was born and raised in Edmonton and within The United Church of Canada. Following her B.A (Drama major, and Religious Studies minor) from the University of Alberta, Karen completed her Master of Theological Studies at St. Stephen's College in 1998 while working full time as the Children, Youth and Young Adult Minister at Riverbend United Church until 2009. She then attended the Vancouver School of Theology and was ordained by the Alberta Northwest Conference in May, 2011. Karen has a passion for storytelling, creative worship, visioning, leadership development and faith formation, and she has a weakness for lattes!

This week features Rev. Karen Bridges and the theme “Caring for Others So We are Cared For” The focus scripture for this service is: Job 1:1 and 2:1-10.

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September 26 – Proper 21

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The Rev. Stéphane Vermette is the minister at Église SainteClaire, a francophone online church plant. Through worship, sacraments, and pastoral care, he is always looking to reach out to people, wherever they stand on their spiritual journey. Stéphane also believes we must reclaim the driving force behind Paul’s missionary journey when distinction between gender, race, status and affiliation were set aside in order to build a new community where everyone is welcomed.

This week features Rev. Stéphane Vermette and the theme “Finding Courage in Fear” The focus scripture for this service is: Esther 4:13-14 and 7:1-6 and 9-10.

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September 19 – Proper 20

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Rev. Greg and his family live in the greater Victoria area, where Greg is planting a new church within the United Church tradition. Greg has bounced between western Canada and eastern Canada throughout his life and is happiest on the trails, in the canoe, or on skis. Greg's vocational passions include peace and justice: climate justice and indigenous rights; spending time with people at critical moments in life and finding meaningful ways--new and old--to express gratitude and to dream of heaven here on earth. Greg completed his Master of Divinity at Emmanuel College in Toronto in 2014. Prior to responding to his call to congregational ministry, Greg worked for an environmental non-profit and as an environmental engineer.

This week features Rev. Greg Powell and the theme “Questioning our Meaning” The focus scripture for this service is: Mark 9:30-37.

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September 12 – Proper 19

Julia Kimmett is the minister of a two-point charge just south of Calgary – Okotoks/DeWinton. She has worked in the church for 24 years, mostly in team ministry. She has a passion for mentoring women and encouraging people to fulfill their potential. She loves sunshine, teaching, travel, a good novel, photography, refinishing furniture and stimulating conversation. She has taken several teams on short-term mission/exposure trips to Nicaragua, Kenya, Namibia and Dominican Republic which have been some of the most rewarding experiences in her ministry. Educational travel to Turkey, Israel and India to explore the ancient roots of Christianity have opened her mind and heart to the belief that we are all connected as one human race and must learn to treasure and respect each other, valuing and celebrating our differences.

This week features Rev. Julia Kimmett and the theme “Is Christian Wisdom Different?” The focus scripture for this service is: Proverbs 1:20-33.

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September 05 – Proper 18

The Rev. Linda Pollock is the minister of a cluster of Aberdeenshire churches in Scotland and an award-winning campaigner after working to prevent teenage brothers, Somer and Areeb Umeed Bakhsh, from being forced to leave their home in Glasgow and deported to Pakistan where Christians face persecution. Originally hails from Northern Ireland, Pollock moved to the north-east of Scotland after spending seven years as the minister of Possilpark Parish Church in Glasgow.

This week features Rev. Linda Pollock and the theme “An Experience of Jesus.” The focus scripture for this service is: John 3:1-12.

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August 29 – Proper 17

The Rev. Michelle Slater is the Minister of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care at Oak Bay United Church, in Victoria, BC, Canada. After over 15 years of ministry, she continues to be fascinated by people's questions, stories and experiences of God/the Divine/mystery...and happy to share her own. Michelle loves the comfort and challenge of scripture, and is passionate about the ways our stories are held within, and redeemed by, the stories of our faith. She is committed to the inclusion of people of all ages, stages, abilities and life experiences in the community of faith, especially LGBT people and their families.

This week features Rev. Michelle Slater and the theme “Trading Freedom for a King.  Really?” The focus scripture for this service is: 1 Samuel 8:4-11 and 16-20.

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August 22 – Proper 16

The Rev. Dr. William Koopmans is the Senior Pastor at Hope Christian Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. He is an avid birder and loves to explore the outdoors. William has held denominational roles including Chief Ecumenical Officer – Canada of the Christian Reformed Church in North America and is a past member of the executive committee of the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

This week features Rev. Dr. William Koopmans and the theme “Are You All In?” The focus scripture for this service is: John 6:56-69.

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August 15 – Proper 15

The Rev. Hilde J Seal is an animator of the Holy, one who walks among creation and is in touch with her inner-child.  Recently retired, Hilde has been a member of the United Church of Canada for all her life, serving with congregations in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.  As a Spiritual Director Hilde walks with persons of all ages and stages as they seek God in the ordinary and the chaos of life.  Her Practices include silence, walking in the forest, preaching and focused breathing.  She loves to drum, dance and spend time with family.

This week features Rev. Hilde Seal and the theme “Discovering Wisdom .” The focus scripture for this service is: Proverbs 9:1-12.

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August 08 – Proper 14

Justin McNeill originally grew-up just outside of Edmonton, before moving to Calgary and living there for 14 years.  Once in Calgary, Justin became involved with Deer Park United’s youth ministry program and soon began a path towards ordained ministry.  Justin was married to Candace in June of 2008 and in June of 2013, Candace and Justin both moved to Halifax to continue their studies at the Atlantic School of Theology.  Justin, who is currently serving St. Thomas United Church in Calgary, has been involved in ministry at a number of congregations in both Alberta and Nova Scotia, focusing on both congregational and youth ministries.  Justin has a passion for preaching, pastoral theology, and utilizing technology to better understand the place of the church in the world.  Some of Justin’s other passions include sports, archery, hiking, and has recently taken up coaching high school football.

This week features Rev. Justin McNeill and the theme “Jesus as Bread.” The focus scripture for this service is: John 6:35 and 41-51.

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August 01 – Proper 13

Past President of Alberta Northwest Conference of the United Church of Canada and Minister at the Slave Lake (AB) Ecumenical Shared Ministry, Rev. Leigh Sinclair was born and raised an Alberta, United Church and CGIT gal. She attended St Andrew's college for her Masters of Divinity and has completed a STM (Master of Sacred Theology) in rural ministry. Leigh has lived in the three prairie provinces and is currently serving at St. David's United Church in Leduc, AB.

This week features Rev. Leigh Sinclair and the theme “Finding Food that Sticks to Your Ribs” The focus scripture for this service is: John 6:24-35 (The Message).

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July 25 – Proper 12

Kim Holmes-Younger is a recent graduate of Vancouver School of Theology, completing her Master in Divinity in December of 2020. Currently, Kim resides in Calgary with her husband and 15 year old daughter. Kim is completing her Supervised Ministry Experience (practicum) at Hillhurst United Church under Rev. John Pentland. Kim has a passion for pastoral care, social justice and helping people see how Christianity and the scriptures are relevant for today.

This week features Kim Holmes-Younger and the theme “We Need More Esthers Around Here” The focus scripture for this service is: Esther 2: 7-22.

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July 18 – Proper 11

Tracy was born in Calgary and raised on a farm in Balzac, AB. She is married to Todd and has two adult children. She has held various ministry positions in the United Church of Canada and is currently the Minister for Nurture, Education, and Outreach at St. Thomas United Church in NW Calgary. St. Thomas is an Affirming church that models Open Hands, Open Hearts, and Open Minds in everything they do. Tracy is passionate about living out Jesus’ teachings of radical inclusion and is very involved in Calgary’s Affirming Networks and is proud to walk the path to reconciliation with her Indigenous sisters and brothers. Tracy volunteers her time with at risk people involved in the criminal justice system.

This week features the Rev. Tracy Robertson and the theme “We are the Spiritual Home for God” The focus scripture for this service is: Ephesians 2:11-22.

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July 11 – Proper 10

Rev. Greg and his family live in the greater Victoria area, where Greg is planting a new church within the United Church tradition. Greg has bounced between western Canada and eastern Canada throughout his life and is happiest on the trails, in the canoe, or on skis. Greg's vocational passions include peace and justice: climate justice and indigenous rights; spending time with people at critical moments in life and finding meaningful ways--new and old--to express gratitude and to dream of heaven here on earth. Greg completed his Master of Divinity at Emmanuel College in Toronto in 2014. Prior to responding to his call to congregational ministry, Greg worked for an environmental non-profit and as an environmental engineer.

This week features the Rev. Greg Powell and the theme “We Change, Relationships Change” The focus reading for this service is: Psalm 24 & Passage from Richard Wagamese’s Embers: One Ojibway’s Meditation.

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July 04 – Proper 09

Carolyn Pogue is a Canadian author, editor and workshop presenter. She lives in Calgary, Alberta which is Treaty 7 Territory and Metis Region 3. Her titles include books for teachers, children, adults and teens. Her Young Adult historical novels, Gwen and the sequel, West Wind Calling were inspired by the life of E. Pauline Johnson/Tekahion-Wake, and her own grandmother, a British Home Child. Gwen was short listed for the City of Calgary Book Prize. West Wind Calling was selected as a Best Book for Kids and Teens by The Canadian Children’s Book Centre. Carolyn has travelled to many countries of the world and is inspired by peacemakers and justice-seekers of all ages. She lived in Ontario, Quebec and Northwest Territories/Denendeh before settling in Alberta. Carolyn enjoys camping, reading, playing around with paint, fabric, wood, paper and working with writers of all ages. With her husband, Bill Phipps, she serves on Raffi’s Child Honouring Advisory Council.

This week features Carolyn Pogue with Bill Phipps and the theme “Learning to Hum with Creation” The focus scripture for this service is: Genesis 1:1-31.

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June 27 – Proper 08

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The Rev. Hilde J Seal is an animator of the Holy, one who walks among creation and is in touch with her inner-child. Recently retired, Hilde has been a member of the United Church of Canada for all her life, serving with congregations in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. As a Spiritual Director Hilde walks with persons of all ages and stages as they seek God in the ordinary and the chaos of life. Her Practices include silence, walking in the forest, preaching and focused breathing. She loves to drum, dance and spend time with family.

This week features Rev. Hilde Seal and the theme “The Power of Compassion” The focus scripture for this service is: Mark 5:21-43.

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June 20 – Proper 07

Tony Snow is the Right Relations Lead at Hillhurst United Church. Tony is a member of Treaty #7 from the Stoney Nakoda First Nation in Morley. He is a direct descendent of Treaty signers from his Nation, and his father, the late Rev. Dr. Chief John Snow Sr., was the first ordained Indigenous minister in the United Church in Alberta. Tony Snow is an Indigenous theologian, scholar, and writer, with expertise in Indigenous governance, management, and consultation. He was raised with both Christian and Indigenous traditional teachings and is currently studying ministry in both. Tony is also the Indigenous Lead for the Chinook Winds Region of the United Church of Canada.

This week features Tony Snow and the theme “The Prayer of Each Animal” The focus scripture for this service is: Matthew 22:23-40.

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