June 13 – Proper 06

Keith Murray, the Affirming Coordinator at Hillhurst United Church, is an artist and activist whose work brings together spirituality, social justice and community engagement. Growing up identifying as a queer person, who acknowledges and integrates both masculine and feminine identities, Keith brings personal experiences and compassion to work done within the LGBTQS2+ community. Keith’s work as an artist and cultural worker helped develop the artistic practices of youth at risk and aboriginal youth, bringing them and their work to international festivals. Keith has recently returned from BC to hometown Calgary, having worked in communities affected by trauma, mental illness and addiction, including the queer and trans communities primarily in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Keith is dedicated to continuous learning and is a facilitator and councillor focusing on recovery from trauma by healing our connection to Spirit.

This week features Keith Murray and the theme “Living our Technicolour Dream” The focus scripture for this service is: Genesis 37:1-11, 18.


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June 06 – Proper 05

Sermon Quote - 2021 Proper 05.png

Linda hails from Saskatchewan, the land of waving wheat. She was born in Regina but has called Calgary her home now for over forty years. Her husband, Gord, now retired, was also a minister in the United Church who more recently served the rural community of Rockyford. Together, they have raised two great kids, Dawn and Brendan who have added to the family circle by marrying Andrew and Heather. Linda and Gord are very proud of their four grandsons: Jordan, Nelson, Aemon and Nicky. The gospel has always engaged Linda and she is drawn to the hope and reconciliation that it offers. She also has a passion for social justice and the healing that is needed for the marginalized in our world.

This week features Rev. Linda Hunter and the theme “The Snake Made Me Do It!” The focus scripture for this service is: Genesis 3:8-15.

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