August 08 – Proper 14

Justin McNeill originally grew-up just outside of Edmonton, before moving to Calgary and living there for 14 years.  Once in Calgary, Justin became involved with Deer Park United’s youth ministry program and soon began a path towards ordained ministry.  Justin was married to Candace in June of 2008 and in June of 2013, Candace and Justin both moved to Halifax to continue their studies at the Atlantic School of Theology.  Justin, who is currently serving St. Thomas United Church in Calgary, has been involved in ministry at a number of congregations in both Alberta and Nova Scotia, focusing on both congregational and youth ministries.  Justin has a passion for preaching, pastoral theology, and utilizing technology to better understand the place of the church in the world.  Some of Justin’s other passions include sports, archery, hiking, and has recently taken up coaching high school football.

This week features Rev. Justin McNeill and the theme “Jesus as Bread.” The focus scripture for this service is: John 6:35 and 41-51.

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