
Curious exactly how Together We Worship works?

Looking to try out a FREE worship package with video sermon?

Here’s your chance.

In the package you’ll get:
A full liturgy with all the prayers, hymns, and everything in between that anyone can read to lead worship;
A completed bulletin, edit it if you’d like, or just print and go;
A completed PowerPoint file with all the words, including hymns, for the congregation to follow along; plus the sermon is included in there so no awkward changing programs when it’s time for the sermon
Plus a sermon only PowerPoint and a high quality MP4 version of the sermon

Just click the button, fill out the short form, and I’ll send you the files for an evergreen Together We Worship package, good for anytime of year.

Test it out in your context. Do a trial after church maybe, or with the worship committee. Use it on a Sunday morning and see what people think.

This is a no commitment way to see all the options Together We Worship gives you.