February 26, 2017 – Transfiguration Sunday

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Sermon Quote - 2017 Transfiguration Sunday.png

February 26, 2017 – Transfiguration Sunday


This week features a sermon with Allan Buckingham and the theme: “More Than An Experience.” The focus scripture for this week is: Exodus 24:12-18 & Matthew 17:1-9


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Allan Buckingham is a lay member of the United Church of Canada living in Banff, Alberta, and is the Chair of the Strong Public Witness Division of Foothills Presbytery. Allan has had a variety of church volunteer roles including being a member of the General Council Executive, and as a member of the Executive Committee of the World Communion of Reformed Churches. When not attending church meetings Allan is a Communications and Technology consultant focusing on how churches can use innovative techniques to share their message. Allan is also the founder of Together We Worship.