February 25, 2018 – Lent 02

Sermon Quote - 2018 Lent 02.png
Sermon Quote - 2018 Lent 02.png

February 25, 2018 – Lent 02


This week features a sermon with Allan Buckingham and the theme: “What We Can Give Up to be Like Jesus” The focus scripture for this week is: Mark 8:31-38

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Allan Buckingham is a lay member of the United Church of Canada living in Banff, Alberta. He is the Chair of the Strong Public Witness Division of Foothills Presbytery and Business Coordinator for the 43 meeting of the General Council of the United Church of Canada taking place in July 2018. When not attending church meetings Allan is a Communications and Technology consultant focusing on how churches can use innovative techniques to share their message. Allan is also the founder of Together We Worship.